2016 – Год английского языка в Украине

«In the words of A. P. Chekhov: “the more languages you know the more times you are a man”. The necessity of learning a foreign language in 2016 will be higher, in particular for Ukrainians. President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree “On declaring 2016 the Year of the English language in Ukraine.” Given the dynamic pace of modern life, free time for language learning in humans not so much. Maybe for many who want to do online remotely, it will become the only option. Thus, English language teachers from all over the world will have a greater number of students online.
The decree of the Ukrainian President had signed in support of educational initiatives “Go Global”, which involves promoting the study of English language»
We can also celebrate with the British people their holidays:
January 1 — New year
March 17 — St. Patrick's Day
March 25 — good Friday
March 28 — Easter Monday
October 31 — Halloween
November 30 — St Andrew Day
December 25 — Christmas
December 26 — Boxing Day (2nd Christmas day)
Для познания нравов какого ни есть народа,
старайся прежде изучить его язык. (Пифагор)
Для познания нравов какого ни есть народа,
старайся прежде изучить его язык. (Пифагор)