пятница, 1 марта 2019 г.

If i were a writer 
I would write a Fairy Tale  

Life in the magic country
This story is about a boy Sergey, who lives in magic country Mordvinovka.
His life is happy in his Mordvinovka . His lives with his family: his mother , his father and two sisters and one brother.
Everyday he helps his family and is happy. In autumn he goes to school and at school he found new  friends. He is very happy of school: he plays there, learns, opens new opportunity. In winter he plays with his friends snowballs. In summer he likes swimming and driving bike with his friend Roma. They are best friends in school and life. Sergey left Mordvinovka in 2017. He went to Melitopol State college. His learning everyday is hard, he doesn`t play with his friends. Sometimes he goes to see his friend.

четверг, 14 февраля 2019 г.

Valentine's day

February 14 is St. Valentine's Day; it is a day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love-tokens. Generations of young people have considered St. Valentine to be the friend and patron of lovers and have sent gifts and hand-made valentines to their sweethearts. Valentine was a colourful card with a short love verse composed by the sender. Now thousands of ready-made sentiments and decorations, brightly coloured and gilded, and sometimes perfumed and packed into a neat box.
Студенти 1го курсу гр. МХ-187 та МД-1811 на позакласному закладі до Дня Св. Валентина були ознайомлені з різноманітною цікавою інформацією та легендами про святкування цього свята.

Студенти коледжу яскраво та весело привітали викладачів та студентів зі святом валентинками та святковими листівками.

суббота, 26 января 2019 г.


For 8 years of existence, the competition has become a platform for expanding opportunities and self-realization in the direction of learning English for most students from different regions of Ukraine. So in our college, the Greenwich competition was held for the first time.
   The guys from the first and second courses took part in it. From the first course 11 people took part, and from the second year - 18.
Children get the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and receive a certificate and gifts, depending on the amount of knowledge. Materials for conducting send a few days before the competition.
   The students were gathered in the same classroom, for 20 minutes they distributed tasks and forms and conducted a full briefing. The following one and a half hours were allocated for writing the competition. After 7 months, the results and winners will be announced.
 The slogan of the competition is: "Learn English - find out the world!"